Friday 29 April 2016


                                 WORK ETHICS

Work ethics refers to a set of moral principles an employee or worker utilizes in his workplace in discharging his duties.
   A strong work ethic is vital to an organization for the achievement of its goals. Every employee from the manager to the gate keeper must have a good work ethic to keep the organization functioning at its peak.

Factors that create a strong work ethic 
v  Integrity

This refers to the employee’s high moral standards; this fosters trust between the employee and clients, coworkers also value the employee’s ability to stick to the norm, clients trust the employee’s feedback and advice and supervisors also rely on employee’s high moral standards, trusting him not to steal from the organization or create problems for them.

v   Sense of Responsibility

When the employee feels personally responsible for her job performance, He shows up on time, puts in his best effort and completes projects to the best of his ability.

v  Emphasis on Quality

      Employees with a strong work ethic care about the quality of       their work. They do their best to produce great output, as they know that the worker’s commitment to quality improves the organization’s overall quality.

v Discipline

     An employee with good discipline stays focused on his goals,
     and is determined to complete his assignment on time, this kind of employee or worker show a high level of dedication to the company, always ensuring they carry out their duties very well.

v Sense of Teamwork

An employee with a high sense of teamwork helps the organization to meet its goals and achieve its objectives by working together with other workers as a team. These employees respects their peers and help where they can, making collaborations go smoother.

                      CODE OF BUSINESS CONDUCT

      Code of business conduct simply refers to those rules and    
      regulations that guide the worker in form of instructions and
     directives about how to comport himself while carrying out his   duties, it differs from one organization to another, but here are some codes of business conduct that are general to every organization;
v Punctuality

A worker must be at the workplace at least an hour before the official opening time so as to put things together and in order and make sure everything is ready for the day’s work.

v Smart Dressing

The worker must dress appropriately and must always at all times look smart and clean at workplace. Make sure you look presentable and avoid indecent dressing.

v Professionalism

Maintain a high level of professionalism in your workplace and know where to draw the line between worker/client relationships. Do not allow your personal life encroach into your carrier; keep it private while at work.

v Customer Relation

Every worker should maintain a customer friendly attitude at workplace especially when attending to clients, always have it at the back of your mind that “the customer is always right”
Also smile while attending to clients, Be polite and address the person first in simple and correct English or pidgin, don’t use dialect first because the person may not be from the same ethnic group with you and may feel embarrassed if you speak your language first to him. Always greet the client first and welcome him to your organization before asking him with respect how you may be of help to him. Make yourself approachable and thank the client for his patronage.
In the case of any harassment or misconduct by the client,
don’t take laws into your own hands report to the management
    and don’t exchange words with the client.


Written By : Unknown Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 Category:


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