Wednesday 27 April 2016



Driving is just as easy as every other human activity, like sweeping, washing, cooking, ironing of clothes etc, These activities we all learned from another person and will also teach others knowingly and unknowingly, So if you want to learn how to drive a car all you need to do is to sit back, relax and follow all the steps here and you will get there so happy learning and enjoy the ride.
When you see a car that you want to drive, the first thing you do is to check out the car for some important things that will enable the car to function properly.
Check if there is enough fuel in the car, Open the bonnet and check if there is water in the radiator, and Hydraulic in the hydraulic pot, check the oil and fan belt, if everything is in order then close the bonnet, we will get back to vehicle checklist later.

                              STEPS ON HOW TO MOVE A CAR
For Manual cars make sure the gear is in neutral (N) for automatic make sure the gear is in park (P)

Ø Turn on the ignition with the car key, This is done clockwise, Allow it to steam,
Ø  March down the clutch completely with your left leg(manual)
Ø Go to gear one(manual) Go to drive(automatic)
Ø  Release your left leg from the clutch(manual) at the same time add force to the throttle with your right leg in a gradual process making sure that your input is equal to your output.
Ø Gently the car will move from that stationary point….Easy right? Don’t  be surprise I told you it was going to be, but don’t be too carried away, you still have a lot to learn because most of the people that died through auto crash did not die because they didn’t know how to drive, some of them were experts but they died because they lost control and vice versa.

                                        HOW TO STOP A CAR

         When the car is in motion and you want to stop it,
Ø March the clutch completely(Manual) March the break completely and the car will stop, Go to neutral in the gear(manual) Park in automatic, turn off the ignition, remove your leg from the break and clutch.


The gear box mounting is the way and manner the gear is positioned in the car, different cars has different types of gear box mounting while some cars share some similarities, I will provide a graphical representation of the gear box mounting of some of the popular cars later but for now let’s look at how and when to select gears.
Gear one is used to move a car that is in a stationary point (Manual) while in automatic Drive is used to move the car, When the car has moved, you will notice that the sound will increase while the speed will reduce, this means that the current gear can no longer carry the car because the weight of the car as it is being moved reduces then you will have to move the gear handle to gear two, and when there is an increase in sound and reduction in speed again, you go to gear three and subsequently four and five as the case may be, Note that you will also return to gear one in descending order, that is from five, to four, three, two and one, you should not jump from four to one or vice versa.

                                       CLUTCH ENGAGEMENT

This is the ability to suspend the car at the middle of the hill with clutch and throttle, the car will be in gear one as the engine steams, and this involves half of the gear and half of the throttle.

This is the slowest movement a car can generate, it is necessary for every driver to master this act before hitting the road because the knowledge of Ant movement will help you not to hit the bumper of the car in front of you, Ant movement is done by releasing the left leg from the clutch gradually in a manner that the car will just roll gently while the right leg minds the brake to stop the car and the throttle to move the car a little as traffic allows.


This requires turning the car in an opposite direction, it is done by holding down the clutch completely, take the gear to reverse (R) both manual and automatic, release the clutch gently and apply a little force on the throttle, the car will start going backwards and then you will the steering to the direction you want to turn, please do not speed while reversing, always ask someone to be your guide if you cannot see your back properly.


Ø While driving always keep to the right except when overtaking, left turn or when passing stationary vehicles.
Ø Your safety depends on what you see and how you react to it, so it is advised that before you drive make sure you have good eyesight and if you have eye problem get it checked out by medical experts.
Ø Always drive to save lives, money and time in spite of the conditions around you and the provocative nature of other drivers.
Ø Do not throttle after changing gear without releasing your leg from the clutch.
Ø Do not drink and drive.
Ø Do not allow the car to go off in the middle of the road.



Written By : Unknown Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2016 Category:


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